Thanks for the attempted solution, though I've given that a try already. I'm thinking either my sound card simply has no support for recording devices (which would be strange considering they show up under the panel you mentioned) or the problem lies with Win 7 not supported any of the devices I've tried to use, which worked fine on my old computer. The built-in Windows recorder program doesn't recognize any microphones either..
About scouting, it's like an invite system for the audio portal. Back in the day all new artists were moderated by staff/mods before their tracks were made public (IOW appeared in the main portal, and could be voted on), but now there's this instead. You're welcome! :)
Ah, guess I assumed it was a mic when I read the ...'WK-200 directly into the mic jack'... above. :P Good knowing.
Welcome to NG! I tried plugging in a mic to my computer once and... it doesn't work! ARGH! Bought an external sound card and... it's the same thing! ARGH! Bought a new mic and... there's no difference! ARGH! Oh well, hope you enjoy your stay here! :) I'll go leave a welcome review.
If you right-click on the volume icon in the taskbar, you'll see an option that says Recording Devices. If you click on that and go through the individual prperties, you should be able to enable the mic. :)
Thank you for the welcome! I've got some plays and downloads already, so it seems to be going well. I'm not sure what scouting is exactly...but thanks for it!